The STEAM for SDG campaign is a camp with the intention of teaching african youths to apply their knowledge in STEAM to solve global and local problems. By the end of the camp, each participant will have a unique project applying the skills they learnt in the camp to solve a local problem.

Application deadline: TBD

Program date: TBD (Students can request for extra time to complete their projects if needed)

Module 1: Understanding global problems.

Students will learn about each SDG; They will learn critical thinking skills and how to identify global problems. By the end of this model every student will write a brief about a global problem in their community 

Module 2: Unlocking your STEAM super power.

Students will learn about the different paths offered in the program( Social media advocacy/ graphic design, Data science, Game design, Research and Scientific Writing, Model UN, Engineering); Students will be encouraged to learn about every field and at the end of this module will select 3 fields according to their preference; Students will also be encouraged to try new things and pick at least 1 field they are unfamiliar with.

Module 3: Speech work and Communication.

Students will learn about speaking out and how to confidently and articulately share their beliefs and ideas. This section will include debates, speech exercises, confidence building activities etc

Module 4: Lets change the world!

At this point students will work on their own individual, self paced projects in one of their 3 selected fields. Students will pick a local problem and use the skills learned in the program to offer a solution. Students are encouraged to be creative with their solutions.

Each week students will be sent videos, exercises and related to their coursework.





Talent for good